KYKUYO exists to make a real impact, fostering a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. We're on a mission to transform real-world challenges into engaging adventures. By gamifying global issues, we inspire players to make responsible choices while enjoying the journey. Join us and let's evolve together, tackling the world's challenges head-on.

Combining Geolocation, Augmented Reality (AR), and Open-World Adventure Gaming

SolAR Project

SolAR is a groundbreaking game that rewards players in both virtual and real life as they progress. The game motivates you to embrace an Earth-friendly lifestyle and enjoy the benefits. We're creating a platform that brings together a dynamic community of gamers working towards a better future. It's time to take a pioneering step by using digital technology to bridge the gap between the virtual and real worlds, empowering individuals to be the heroes of their own lives while having fun. A first-of-its-kind concept, we aim to innovate ambitiously yet fulfillingly.

Real-World Exploration

A world of discovery and collection, where players can gather and explore by physically venturing into real-world locations connected to the concepts of well-being, nature, and sustainability.

Let's shape the game together

Join our Discord community for early access to game prototypes, engage with passionate gamers, and enjoy exclusive sneak peeks. Your input paves the way for a better game.

Wonder who we are?


Project Manager

+12 years building digital strategies for top companies in US, Southeast Asia and LATAM. Worked across multiple industries, including Gaming and eCommerce.


Game Developer

10 years of executing or leading software development. Cofounder startup developing mobile apps for nonprofits. Automation engineer for 3D animation studios including Emmy-nominated work.


Community Manager

Sustainable eCommerce co-founder, managing partnerships across +200 Sustainable merchants and NGOs in Singapore and Malaysia. Grew platform into the largest sustainable mobile marketplace in SEA.


Thanks for your interest in KYKUYO. If you’d like to get in touch, please provide us with your contact information and message and we will reach out to you shortly.

Transitioning to a sustainable world through an engaging and immersive game